Feature Article: Law Practice Management Series
by Mary G. Anderson, Life Management Consulting Group

images-1As we move into a new year and start our journey into twelve bright new months filled with accomplishments and possibility. I am frankly in awe of the choice that you made once upon a time to serve and protect individuals and families by pursuing a law degree in estates and trusts! What an incredible service you offer and what a humble profession that brings your guidance into so many important milestones in life. These milestones include birth, death, divorce, illness and more. What made you choose this area of law to practice? What inspired you to become a lawyer, coach, consultant, pseudo psychotherapist, spiritual mentor and whatever other skills you are called upon to develop and use everyday?

Take a moment to look at this “Wheel of Life” and study where you have spent the focus of your time and efforts in 2011 and see if there is any part of your ‘story’ that you would like to change for 2012. By changing your story and habits minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, month by month, quarter by quarter… you get it, slowly and with purpose. By changing your story and intention you too can change your life and the service you provide to your clientele and more!

Areas to consider, include (clockwise):

  • Business/Career
  • Finances
  • Health
  • Family & Friends
  • Spouse/Partner/Romance
  • Personal Growth
  • Fun & Recreation
  • Physical Environment

Take a moment to put an “X” next to a number between 1-10 in each area of the wheel. Connect the X’s/dots and you will quickly notice if your “Wheel of Life” is out-of-balance! Smooth sailing vs. rocky road ahead– which sounds like you? What part of your life story are you willing to change so that you can bring even more of yourself and your gifts to others?

There are a few hours left before January 1st is here! Review your “Wheel of Life” exercise and  put a plan in place and begin to ‘plan your life and live your plan’. We are here to support you if you need some 1-on-1 coaching!

Quote To Ponder
“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do…
start now, show up, stand up and speak up.”

About the Author:

happymaryMary G. Anderson, is the Program Director at Advanced Legal Training Institute. She also provides client service programs through her company, Life Management Consulting Group.  Many estate-planning attorneys have clients that are in need of guidance and support as they manage their elder years. Mary offers 1-on-1 coaching support for families that are facing some of the challenging aspects of end-of-life/eldercare such as choosing/evaluating a nursing home/assisted living center, professional organizing of important papers and documents, estate settlement and support with funeral planning, grief and loss. These consulting services assist clients who are either in 1) the midst of handling a death of a loved one and executing their estate and/or ) a client who has decided to get organized and plan ahead by completing their will, organizing their important papers, completing a checklist of final wishes and creating a legacy will. Mary is the author of My Estate Management Guide”, “Pet Protection Legal Care Plan: Financial and Legal Planning to Protect Your Companion Pet” and a Certified Mediator & Estate Settlement Agent.


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