Feature Article: Law Practice Management Series 

by Mary G. Anderson, Life Management Consulting Group

It is always a good exercise to stop the busyness of your daily work and evaluate where you are and where you are going. Grab a piece of paper and a pen– let’s make sure we only bring the best of  this year into next years business planning process,  start here by answering these seven questions:

#1: What went really well over the last year? Make a list.

#2: Why did it go well? Remember your best days and document these wins.

#3: What specific actions could you do more regularly to amplify these successes in the next year? Make a plan.

#4: What could have gone better in the past year? Let’s not spend a lot of time on this, but find your top 3 areas where there’s room for improvement.

#5: What will you do differently this coming year? What are you going to stop doing completely to be more effective? Make a list.

#6: What would make the coming year a total success for you–more income, more clients, more interesting work, more family time, etc.? What would be a perfect “10” year for you?

#7: What could make achieving a total “10” year happen faster and easier for you and your firm?   Do you need more staff? Do you need a mentor*? Do you need to relocate? Hire a business manager? Or something else?

Then make sure you’ve set specific goals to reach like…

  • How many new clients do you want in the next year?
  • What are your monthly revenue targets?
  • What will be your total revenue and profit goals for next year?
  • Any other specific accomplishments you are aiming to accomplish this coming year? (like publishing in a technical journal, starting a newsletter for your clients, expanding your practice into a new area, etc.)

Here’s to making next year your best year ever!!

Quote To Ponder

“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do…
show up, start now, stand up and speak now.”

About the Author:

happymaryMary G. Anderson, is the Program Director at Advanced Legal Training Institute. She also provides client service programs through her company, Life Management Consulting Group. Many estate-planning attorneys have clients that are in need of guidance and support as they manage their elder years. Mary offers 1-on-1 coaching support for families that are facing some of the challenging aspects of end-of-life/eldercare such as choosing/evaluating a nursing home/assisted living center, professional organizing of important papers and documents, estate settlement and support with funeral planning, grief and loss. These consulting services assist clients who are either in 1) the midst of handling a death of a loved one and executing their estate and/or 2) a client who has decided to get organized and plan ahead by completing their will, organizing their important papers, completing a checklist of final wishes and creating a legacy will. Mary is the author of My Estate Management Guide“Pet Protection Legal Care Plan: Financial and Legal Planning to Protect Your Companion Pet” and a Certified Mediator & Estate Settlement Agent.


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