“What gets measured, gets managed.” ~Peter Drucker

images-15It’s the final quarter of the “game” of this year.  How are you doing so far? In another post, we talked about using systems to monitor your important work. This week I want to give you some motivation to carry you through to the year’s end. For lack of a better name, I will call this the “4th Quarter Action Plan Map”. This is a simple system that when followed will help you to know what’s missing in your action plan and where to find it! You can use this system to plan a project, plan a day, plan a week; you know the drill… plan a 4th quarter year-end.

Take out a piece of blank paper and draw a box about 5″ wide by 5″ high and draw a line thru the middle from side-to-side and from the top to the bottom. You should have 4 squares that are about the same size. In the top left square, write the word GOAL. In the top right box, write the word FEEDBACK. Now go to the bottom left box and write the word SUPPORT. The final box (on the bottom right) should have the word REWARD in it.

Now let me give you a simple example:
Let’s say my son is planning a summer trip to visit a college friend in Seattle.

Goal: His goal is to drive from Silicon Valley, CA to Seattle, WA. So the goal is pretty simple (write the simple goal in the top left box).

Feedback: Now the 2nd step is to look at the question of how will he know if he is on track? This step usual involves numbers– like which route works best, how many miles away is the destination, how long should it take, etc. Basically if you aren’t measuring your goal you will never know if you have achieved it!

Support: What happens if he gets a flat tire? Gets sick? Needs to stop overnight?  Gets lost? What resources are available to make the trip safely and successfully?

Rewards: Finally, once he arrives what is it that will make all the effort worthwhile? How will he know that all the planning, driving, expenditures and more were worth it? In conclusion, as you plan the next three months of your practice, think about these topics and review these questions… 

Goal Setting- Where am I Going & Why?
What are your top fourth quarter outcomes? What are the tactical actions that you need to take in order to accomplish those outcomes?

  • What are your October outcomes?
  • What are your November outcomes?
  • What are Your December outcomes?

Remember you get what you focus on! Your mind operates in 3 quadrants; the past, the present, and the future. What is your 90-day intention? What skills will you develop? How often will you plan your day on paper? Develop a 90-day map and follow it!

What is the one area of your business that you will make the most improvement in? What will you accomplish that will surprise you, your co-workers, friends, or spouse? What are 3 reasons why you will succeed this quarter? Your baseline represents everything that you are currently doing to produce the results (your actions, time management, goals, marketing, mindset, etc.) What are 3 things you can add to your baseline this quarter to increase your results?

Feedback- How Am I Doing?  What Do I Need to Change?
Look into the future about 90 days. It is now the end of the year. What did you accomplish during this final quarter? What will motivate you this quarter to pull together any loose ends and finish strong? There are times in our lives when we take several steps back over a 90-day stretch or we could accomplish almost nothing (like treading water). There are also times in our life when we make tremendous progress over 90 days. Plan to make the next 90 days one of those stretches in your business and life. Review your written “4th Quarter Action Plan Map” and check ‘your numbers’ to finish strong.

Support- Where Do I Go for Help/Support/Knowledge?
Who are your mentors? What resources are available to you to assist in handling challenging business conundrums? Do you mastermind your plans with others you respect? What do you do on a daily basis to care for yourself and keep your energy high? What systems of support help to keep you on course?

Rewards- What in it for me? Am I Having Fun? What’s Working Well?
Now is the time to take that break, that vacation, that hike, that long drive, that cooking lesson– whatever it is that makes your heart sing. Reward yourself for a job well done and then swing around and grab another goal to achieve! Good luck on your journey…

Quote To Ponder
“Such as are your habitual thoughts,
such also will be the character of your mind;
for the soul is dyed by the thoughts.”
~Marcus Aurelius

About the Author: 


Mary G. Anderson, is the Program Director at Advanced Legal Training Institute. She also provides client service programs through her company, Life Management Consulting Group.  Many estate-planning attorneys have clients that are in need of guidance and support as they manage their elder years. Mary offers 1-on-1 coaching support for families that are facing some of the challenging aspects of end-of-life/eldercare such as choosing/evaluating a nursing home/assisted living center, professional organizing of important papers and documents, estate settlement and support with funeral planning, grief and loss. These consulting services assist clients who are either in 1) the midst of handling a death of a loved one and executing their estate and/or 2) a client who has decided to get organized and plan ahead by completing their will, organizing their important papers, completing a checklist of final wishes and creating a legacy will. Mary is the author of My Estate Management Guide”“Pet Protection Legal Care Plan: Financial and Legal Planning to Protect Your Companion Pet” and a Certified Mediator & Estate Settlement Agent.


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